Mataram, University of Mataram – The Dharma Wanita Persatuan University of Mataram (DWP Unram) carried out social service activities on Saturday, 18 January 2024. This activity took place in two locations in Keruak District, East Lombok, namely the Ribath Al Umm NW Lokon Foundation, Pondok Pesantren Ribath Al Umm NW Lokon, Sepit Village, and the Mabadi Ul Ulum Al-Qur’an Education Park (TPQ), Tangar Hamlet, Setungkep Lingsar Village. Before the social service activity, DWP members organised a religious study with Ustadzah Ifa who provided spiritual motivation. Then, the activity continued with the handover of assistance from DWP Unram to foundations and TPQ […]
Mataram, University of Mataram – Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Mataram (LPPM Unram) received a visit from Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (LPPM UTM). This activity took place in the Main Conference Room of LPPM Unram, on Monday (18/12). The meeting was attended by the Head of LPPM UTM, Dr. Ir. Gita Pawana, M.Si. accompanied by the Coordinator of the Center for Community Service, Helmy Boemiya, M.H.; Sabarudin Akhmad, ST., MT. as the Coordinator of the Center for Research and Innovation in Technology and Energy; Dr. Bambang Haryadi, SE., Ak., M.Si., Coordinator of the Center […]